This is 40

Some Days

Some days I feel like a woman;
some days the little shy girl in me resurfaces.
Some days I am dying of thirst;
some days I drown in a small glass of water.
Some days I feel the music;
some days every note is off.
Some days I love;
some days a big cloud of sadness looms over me.
Some days my hair is shiny and luscious;
some days I only see the pesky grays.
Some days ideas flow out of every pore in my body;
some days I feel as blank as a canvas.
Some days nothing in the world can stop me;
some days my breath alone seems to work against me.
Some days I am a lit candle;
some days I hide behind my own shadow.
Some days I see beauty everywhere;
some days all I see is pain and misery.
Some days I mommy so hard;
some days I feel like the worst mom on the planet.
Some days go by too fast;
some days I feel like I’m carrying a ton of bricks on my back.
Some days my body is strong and powerful;
some days I feel old and weak.
Some days I am full of optimism and enthusiasm;
some days I don’t have a drop of hope in me.
Some days light fills my world;
some days night resides within me.
Some days I win;
some days there is no fight left in me.
Some days I know exactly what road to take;
some days I circle around in confusion.
Some days I am a goddess;
some days I am a complete mess.
Some days I am perfectly aligned with the universe;
some days the world makes no sense at all.
Some days I go far;
some days I can’t leave the past.
Some days I see neither black or white;
some days I simply see a beautiful shade of gray;
A ying & yang,
fully accepting the good and the bad,
in perfect harmony
with all my heart and mind.

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